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Job highlights

Work/Life Balance

Time management

challenging projects


Dinakara Life Sciences Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Viruj Chematrix Private Limited, is currently hiring for various positions at our factory located in Jaggayyapeta. We invite experienced professionals to apply for the following roles:

Open Positions

  1. Production Chemists
    Location: Jaggayyapeta Factory
  2. Quality Control Chemists/Executives
    Location: Jaggayyapeta Factory
  3. Chemical Engineers
    Location: Jaggayyapeta Factory
  4. Production Documentation
    Location: Jaggayyapeta Factory
  5. Purchase Executive
    Location: Hyderabad
    Experience: 2-4 years
  6. DQA-Manager/DM
    Location: Hyderabad
    Experience: 7-10 years
  7. Chemist-CRD
    Location: Hyderabad
    Experience: 1-3 years

Educational Qualifications

  • B.Sc with Chemistry as a subject or M.Sc (Organic Chemistry)
  • B.Pharmacy / M.Pharmacy
  • Chemical Engineering

How to Apply

Interested candidates are requested to send their resume to:
Email: hr_unit1@virujgroup.com

For any queries, contact:
Phone: 040-23070010 / +91 9618609113

Dinakara Life Sciences Hiring for Production / QC / DQA / CR&D / Purchase / Prod. Documentation / Chemical Engineering

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